Independent designer and art director based in Brooklyn, NY

Two Good

Responding to a demand for options with less sugar, Danone North America launched Two Good™. Under the creative direction of Matterful Brands I developed a few concepts for the ideation phase of the project.

Since the big idea behind this yogurt was to offer only 2g of total sugar per cup, I focused on the number 2 as my main design element.

Two good artwork-02.jpg

Concept 1 - Using the number 2 as a pattern and bright colors to bring a “pop” on the shelves.


Concept 2 - Uses the number as a central point along with beautiful, juicy ingredients.

Concept 2A - In this alternative design, I brought in the brand’s purple and focused on 1 macro ingredient

Concept 2A - In this alternative design, I brought in the brand’s purple and focused on 1 macro ingredient